ევროპელი ექსპერტები Შედეგზე ორიენტირებული განსაკუთრებული კონტროლი ციფრული ექსპერტები 360° სტრატეგიული პარტნიორობა ფინანსური გამჭვირვალობა სტაბილური გუნდი კომპლექსური მიდგომა საუკეთესო ხარისხი და ფასი Ფულის დაზოგვა ჩვენ დაგეხმარებით არ დაიწვათ ფეთქებადი ზრდა
უფასო სესია

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კონფიდენციალურობის პოლიტიკა


In order to improve the quality of service and ensure the secure storage of our users’ data, we would like to inform you about what data we collect and how we use it. We respect the confidential information of any person visiting our website, and therefore, based on the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine and the regulations of the European Parliament and Council, we have prepared this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”).

The Policy describes checkme.digital’s approach to processing the personal data of individuals using the website https://checkme.digital/ and/or intending to or receiving services from checkme.digital.

Checkme.digital processes personal data of Users based on the informed and freely given consent of the data subject for the processing of their personal data when using the checkme.digital website and receiving services from checkme.digital by ticking the corresponding "consent box". By ticking the appropriate "consent box", you are considered to have accepted the terms of this Policy and provide checkme.digital with legal grounds for processing your personal data. You also confirm that you have familiarized yourself with the terms of this Policy and the rights provided to data subjects in accordance with Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" and agree with us.

User – any capable individual – a subject of personal data who intends to receive Services and/or receives Services and/or uses the website https://checkme.digital/.

Personal data – information or a set of information about an identified or identifiable individual.

Confidential information – a collection of information and data that the User provides to checkme.digital in connection with the use of the website, and the receipt of services from the company checkme.digital, in particular:


checkme.digital, in order to provide Services and/or during the provision of Services, when visiting the website https://checkme.digital/, may process the following personal data of the User: first name, last name, patronymic; date of birth; email address; phone number; information about the mobile device, including IP address, geographical location, date, and time of visits to the checkme.digital website, cookie files, browser information, hardware and software technical specifications, page request addresses; information about website visits and usage; any other data that the User voluntarily provides.

checkme.digital has the right to:

  • collect the personal data received from Users and process them in accordance with the purposes and legal bases defined in the Policy;
  • accumulate and systematize personal data;
  • transfer personal data to third parties;
  • provide access to personal data without the User’s consent in cases provided for by Ukrainian legislation;
  • make changes to personal data or delete them upon receiving requests, letters, or demands from Users;
  • make changes to this Policy;
  • exercise other rights provided by Ukrainian legislation.


The purposes, purpose of processing personal data are as follows: user identification, personalization of the website https://checkme.digital/ for the User for the purpose of using services on the website, advertising and marketing activities, improving the level of service provision, website administration of https://checkme.digital/ and business, conducting negotiations regarding the possibility of providing services, entering into and fulfilling service agreements, sending email messages, handling requests and complaints, and/or any other purpose not contrary to the legislation of Ukraine.

When using personal data for direct marketing purposes (commercial newsletters and marketing messages about new products, services, and offers that we believe may be of interest to you), we include links through which you can unsubscribe from such messages in the future.


The User has the right to request access to their personal data and their correction, deletion, erasure, modification, restriction of processing by the data subject, or to object to processing.

The User has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data, the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, the right to receive data in a format that allows them to be used in other online platforms and services (right to data portability).

The User has the right to know the sources of data collection, the location of their personal data, the purposes and legal bases for their processing. The User has the right to opt-out of receiving email newsletters and other marketing communications from checkme.digital.

Requests and complaints should be made by the User through electronic correspondence to the address checkme.digital:ceo@checkme.digital.

Upon receipt of a request for withdrawal of consent and destruction of personal data, checkme.digital undertakes to destroy such data within 30 days from the moment of User identification. Please note that the operation of certain components of the website https://checkme.digital/ that require your personal data may be discontinued upon their deletion.


If necessary, personal data may be disclosed by checkme.digital to ensure the operation of checkme.digital and the fulfillment of the purposes of processing personal data to the following third parties: any of our employees, officials, professional consultants, government authorities and other bodies of state power of Ukraine and other countries; third parties conducting customer traffic analysis for checkme.digital (such as Google Analytics), and so on.

This list is not exhaustive and may be expanded solely for the purpose of providing checkme.digital services, as notified by checkme.digital to the User.


checkme.digital retains and processes personal data for an indefinite period to fulfill the purposes defined in the Policy or until a request for the deletion of personal data is received.


checkme.digital uses cookie files to remember the type of browser and operating system, the page from which a visitor came to the current page, the path through the pages on this site, and the domain of the internet service provider in order to understand how users utilize the site. checkme.digital uses cookie files to remember user settings and preferences. Additionally, cookie files are used to improve site navigation and provide the user with more relevant information. By checking the corresponding “consent box,” you allow us to use cookie files each time you use the checkme.digital site.


checkme.digital guarantees the full confidentiality of information, meaning that Confidential Information will not be disclosed to any third parties in any way and will only be used for the purpose of providing the corresponding services of checkme.digital to the User, delivering the results of the services, regardless of whether such information is voluntarily disclosed or otherwise obtained by checkme.digital as a result of providing services to the User, until such information becomes publicly available at the User’s discretion.

checkme.digital guarantees that all necessary measures have been taken to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction, using appropriate technical and organizational tools. Please note that the information provided by you is included in the personal data databases owned by the Individual Entrepreneur – David Denisovich Podorozhny. The processing of user personal data is carried out using an automated information system; personal data is stored in electronic form in the CRM system of checkme.digital, which is accessible only to authorized personnel of checkme.digital located at the checkme.digital office.


If you have any questions regarding our Policy, you can contact us at the following email address: ceo@checkme.digital

Any disputes that may arise between the User and checkme.digital regarding the matters covered by the provisions of this Policy shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. The User has the right to address checkme.digital for an amicable resolution of the dispute by submitting a respective statement via email to: ceo@checkme.digital.

The website https://checkme.digital/ is not intended for and does not target children under the age of 14. The processing of personal data of individuals aged 14 to 18 is carried out only with the consent of their parents (adoptive parents) or legal guardians.

If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, you can contact us, the Authorized Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights, or the court.

ჩვენ შეპყრობილნი ვართ პროდუქტიულობით.

ჩვენ მოწოდებულნი ვართ ეფექტურობისკენ და ვაფასებთ ჩვენს დროს ისევე, როგორც თქვენსას. ჩვენ მზად ვართ დავნიშნოთ შეხვედრა, დავამატოთ ის ჩვენს საერთო კალენდარში და ჩავატაროთ პირადად ან ონლაინ კონსულტაცია.

თქვენ დაუკავშირდებით დევიდ როსტს - checkme.digital-ის დამფუძნებელს


ჩვენი კლიენტების საშუალო ROMI

მიიღეთ უფასო სტრატეგიის სესია

ჩვენ გავაანალიზებთ თქვენს ბიზნესს და გაგიზიარებთ ჩვენს იდეებს, თუ როგორ გააუმჯობესოთ თქვენი ონლაინ სტრატეგია.

    მადლობა თქვენი გზავნილისთვის. გაიგზავნა.